
Thursday, January 05, 2012

The Power of Praise

"Wow, you are riding really fast!" and "That is exactly what I am looking for, thank you!" Are, in themselves, not particularly earth-shattering sentences. In fact, you would be forgiven for paying, little, to no attention to them most of the time. But I am setting myself a challenge.

You see, the second sentence was directed specifically towards me. A workshop presenter took the time to comment on work which I had submitted, and in doing so, she encouraged me. I felt better. Success, bolstered my confidence. And once again, it made me think.

How many times do we miss the chance to encourage, praise or reward someone? We may notice the accomplishment of others around us, but we forget to verbalize it. And in doing so, we miss a precious opportunity to empower their dreams.

It is easy to see the faults in others, the hole in their planning, the glitch in their work and comment upon it. To draw attention to their deficits. But what I've noticed over the time that I have been making a conscious decision to comment upon the positive, is that they stand taller, they ride faster, they smile broader and they comment back positively.

So, when I am out riding with my youngest, what he hears me say now is, "Wow, you are riding really fast!" And then I am left chasing him down instead of dragging him along.

It's a nice change. Tell me what someone has said to you, which has encouraged you to stay-the-course and not give up. I'd love to know.