Now that school is back my life has shifted from pleasantly busy, to just a little out of control. However, the first week is over and the second should be easier, Lord knows I have spent all weekend peering at a computer trying to make progress on English, SOSE, History and Maths.
The good news is I think I am winning. The bad news is, well really there isn't any, however, last week as I was chasing my tail, trying to get it all together before Tuesday and I had to face a new class of 28 faces, I was quickly searching for a clip art picture of a lighthouse. Nothing too unusual, really. But what I discovered was a few things.
One: our lighthouse in Bunbury has black and white checkers painted all the way up it. I never really thought it was that unique, however, I can say that there are no other pictures out there, which are just like it. So my affection for it has grown.
Two: What some people think are wonderful lighthouse, bright shining life concepts are quite different to what I wanted to represent with the light shining from a light house.
I was left for the first time in my life thinking that I might just have to cyber-share Christian ideas with a stranger. Now, on the whole I am not someone who would do that. I know what I believe and why, and I fully believe that God brings us into relationship with people and we may be the person he uses to sow the first thoughts or knowledge about him, or we may be the last one, who has the privilege of hearing their pray of commitment or even their last breath.
I loved what our pastor said today. Basically, it was sometimes we go and shine our 'light' like to full beam car lights onto some, and really a gentle small candle of light would be more appropriate. But we are often insensitive to what he wants and we scare someone half silly or make them turn and race in the opposite direction. And I really agree with him, which is why I now find myself waiting to confirm what the right approach is.
This person who had a lighthouse on their website is so hurting, confused, desperate with the gender they have been born with and the lifestyle they are living that the drastic changes they want to make to themselves they think will appease that hurt. As a mother reading the site, a woman, a teacher and a Christian I felt shattered for this individual and I have no idea if anyone is saying to her ...stop.
'You want to help others, but your life is so pain-filled you have little to offer that is real hope, real healing or true positive instruction."
And now that I have found a lighthouse clipart graphic for me to use, no not from her site or really what I pictured in my head, I am still left wandering just what my role could be for this person. Does she need a candle or something brighter?
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