So, what did we see while we were out being Indiana Jones in Ireland?...Firstly..... the little seaside town of Brae - which was sweet as, had a family fair happening, which Ethan couldn't have been dragged away from for a whole day, I would expect if he was here. Lovely esplanade hotels, stone beach, cross at the top of the highest hill and heaps of keen people wandering around pretending that as it was a summer fair, it was warm! Lots of jewellery, knits, food and sweets. These people take their sweet/fudge making seriously! Every other stall was 'pick-your-own lollies. WOW they looked good. Today, though, we contented ourselves with just looking - but I had to buy a hotdog. Yep - kiwi hot dog. I was so excited, we can never find these in Aus. Also learnt that they are called corn dogs in America - as it was an American stand we bought it off, I didn't argue. Just loved every bite.
I also learnt that I can back down a one lane street very quickly and accurately when there is a hedge mowing tractor blocking the road. That a truck, parked car and me can just fit down a two lane street, if I slam the brakes on and close my eyes. Also discovered that when Jayllee says, 'Left! I mean that left." When I have just passed the turn off - means that you count the off ramps better the second time around.
Also, I must mention the Castle hotel where we are staying. The reception ladies have been absolute dolls to us. They have managed to scrounge up a room for us each night, since we were only booked to stay one, but have now tallied up three. And today, they said we could have an attic room. Some rather serious images conjured up when she said, " We can't advertise these as they are smaller rooms. You will be in between floor one and two!" Yep, you read that right. IN BETWEEN floors one and two. I suddenly imagined that we were about to have a Harry Potter moment. I figured we were going to have to step out of the lift, and then throw ourselves at the wall. If we got it wrong...well...thudd!!! Sorry, how sad, next time get it right, no 9 3/4 opening for us! But much to my relief, somehow, and I'm not even going there to work it out, there is a separate floor in between floors one and two, and wallah, here we are tucked into what they call the attic room, which isn't in the attic, and on floor well... 1 1/2...
Fun really, isn't it.
Oh, and just in case you are wondering why we went mapless....we had no maps! Jayllee has bought and lost her new phone credit..we haven't been able to top up the ipad with our dearest friend google we were heading south and west.... lovely thing is we ended up east and on the coast. Gotta love travelling.
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